While I was sick I missed a day of school, and my sub called in sick. Let me give you a run-down on the subs that have had my class......the first asked Kasi if our kids made her(a preacher's wife) want to drink, the second called in "sick", and Megan, who is our afterschool teacher, pretty much refuses to fill in for me when needed. Aren't I lucky. Just a rough year, and many of our kids have such sad home situations that contribute to the mass chaos in my room, but the rest of it?? Flat out refusal to follow rules. I have never wanted to scream "SHUT UP!!!!!" so badly in my life!! But I will not. They will not win. My heart breaks for so many of them, knowing the things they endure due to the circumstances at home, things I could not fathom going through at that age. Its been a long year already, with a wide variety of issues.
Yesterday Kasi came in my room carrying a tooth. A child's tooth. She said that my kids (who were in her room at the time) found a tooth on the ground. No one was claiming it. One kid said "well it might have fallen out of my mouth." (Wouldn't you know if a tooth fell out of your mouth??) So we ask her kids, and several kids say well so-and-so lost a tooth yesterday. Kasi asks so-and-so, is this your tooth? Why yes, yes it is his tooth. When did you lose this tooth? Yesterday. Why is it on the ground?? I put it in my pocket. So....your tooth, which you lost yesterday but told no one, has been in your pocket ever since, until sometime that morning when it fell out. Yes I guess it did fall out.
I had no words. I am considering writing a book.
Meanwhile, Mom and Dad were packed and waiting to be released from Medical City and head straight to San Antonio for transplant, when they received the news that once again, Humana pulls their We Are God card and they are not actually approved for treatment there as previous told. Its a huge mix up and blame game between Medical City, the S.A. hospital, and Humana, so they are still here. Dad had another biopsy today and when that comes back clear they are supposed to head down there.
This weekend our schedule is pretty clear, which is much needed, Monday is Halloween, and then next weekend we are going to Waco for Baylor's homecoming and more time with Christiaan's family. And then the next weekend I am meeting my bridesmaids for dress shopping!!! This is such official wedding business!! Last weekend Brooke and I tried to made some decisions about colors and styles, and she helped me find a wedding planning notebook.
These are literally the only pictures that I have taken since the fair. So unlike me, but life has just been too exhausting.
Once I was declared not contagious, we visited Dad. First through the door window, then when he broke down in tears the nurses were kind enough to suit him up and allow him out in the lobby for a bit! Unfortunately, my fearless child suddenly decided that plastic gloves are terrifying, so he wouldn't sit with Grand Dude. I would like to point out that my dad is an avid Rangers fan and wears flashy pants to show his support in lieu of being able to wear t-shirts over the iv to his port. THAT, my friends, is dedication at its best.
We went to visit again on Sunday, and he was let out of jail again briefly. This guitar is a gift from my dad's friends Jake and Aaron. Its an acoustic bass. Dad has mentioned wishing he had one, so that he could play without an amp while recovering from transplant. We have some very good people surrounding us!!
Jake and Aaron
This week at school was spirit week. I'm not really sure why. We have no sports teams or anything, but I welcomed being able to wear jeans all week! The only picture I got was from Monday, twin day. Kasi and I randomly have the same shirt from Old Navy, purchased about 7 years ago. One of my kids asked me who knitted our sweaters for us, and I told him the nice folks at Old Navy, and he thought that was hilarious. I'm hoping this picture motivates me to 1)Care a little more about my appearance, so as not to look half dead against my well kept friends, and 2) Stop. Eating. Brownies. Anyone aware of a hip shrinking device?? Never recovered from being pregnant, but the excess pounds do not help. Too bad I don't believe in working out. :) Also maybe 3) Not to pose like such a goob.
Tonight I hit up Payless in search of cheap brown shoes for Carter's fast growing feet. He snatched a pair of cowboy boots off the shelf and squealed with delight, then demanded that I put them on him. They are a good size and a half too big, but he wore them most of the night. Riding the horse...