Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Official Wedding Pictures!

Last week we recieved our CD of all our pictures in the mail! I am blown away at how amazing they all are, and out of the bazillions of pictures I had a hard time choosing just a few to share here. So prepare yourself for overload....

Yes that is my bra flying through the air. Christiaan about died when he saw this one, but I think it was really cool that she caught that moment!

The Romero boys

This picture cracks me up every time!

Brooke painted this peacock picture by looking at something that I found on Pinterest. Crazy talented.

My mom and I made the two pendants for my bouquet, one with a picture of my dad and the other with a picture of Christiaan's nanny


Dying laughing over the card/present that Christiaan gave me....his debit card!

Jack got into the ink pads literally minutes before the ceremony, and I thought we were going to have to find a substitute ring bearer, but Brooke let him live :)

And Christiaan died a bit more when he saw this one! 

Probably my favorite picture out of all of them.  I had no idea that my brothers were going to be there, and I think someone put them there in case I decided at the last second that I couldn't walk alone.

ALL of my family!

Christiaan's family with his mom

With his dad's family

Our good looking wedding party!

The socks were C's gift from me

This is my favorite wish card!

Cupcake thief


  1. Beautiful pictures, Audrah! I even got a little misty....

  2. These are absolutely beautiful Audrah! 1) Love the pic with the Brobee shoes :-) 2) The picture with your brothers at the door and the caption almost made me tear up. 3) RBF/Your church now is where I wanted to get married, and had hoped that Lance would be the one to marry us there, but that wasn't do-able. And I'd still love to get married there since that is where I came to know Christ. Love it and love them all!
