Can you believe it?? I am actually writing a post about Carter on Carter's blog??
Little dude has been quite the character lately. He has hit that talking spurt everyone kept telling about, where his vocabulary would explode within a short period of time. I'm sure a lot of it only we can understand, but here is a list of everything I can think of that he is saying these days.
thank you
there you go
bonk my head
outside(sounds like outsie)
Dixie(the dogs)
GrandDude(break my heart!)
barbeque(this of all words is clear as day)
basketball(which sounds like ba-be-tall)
happen(accompanied with hand gestures to indicate "what happened?")
ho ho(what he calls Santa)
and he can say pretty much everyone's name in our family. He even says Audrah. Here lately for some reason he has been calling Micah "Ayee" (Aly) instead of My My, and calls a lot of people Aly too.
He's been sick with various ailments off and on since the end of September. First he had thrush on just his lips which was totally bizarre, then the next week got strep, then the next week at his follow up visit for the strep it was discovered he had thrush yet again all in his mouth this time. He had also developed an excessive amount of drainage which was causing a cough, which he has had now for like almost 3 weeks. Although he has seen 2 different doctors and they both think its just drainage. So he is now back to taking Zyrtec and Singulair daily. Poor dude with the allergies.
He recently discovered how to hang by the ledge of the kitchen bar. He also likes to jump off the couch, stand up in the recliner and make it rock back and forth as forcefully as humanly possible, and has also recently discovered how to open the back door. Can you say daredevil??
He loves to watch videos on my phone, and all I can say about that is whoever invented YouTube deserves a big juicy kiss from me. I have created a playlist of his favorite videos, mostly of Moose A. Moose, and they are like gold anytime we need him to be still and quiet for a few minutes. He recently saw the hamsters, or hammos as he says, from the Kia commercials and so some of those have been added to the playlist.
He thinks that the song "Sexy and I know it" is a Yo Gabba song because of the "wiggle wiggle wiggle" part.
His food preferences continue to be erratic, with the only consistent thing he likes being candy and popsicles or babas as he calls them. But right now he's really liking rice, noodles(especially ramen noodles), cereal, fruit, applesauce, chicken nuggets, barbeque sauce, scrambled eggs, chips, pop tarts, pancakes, raisins, and pretty much any fruit.
I have no new pictures to post because I haven't uploaded anything off my camera since before Thanksgiving. We are heading out today to spend a couple of days with our friends in Keller and to attend Bentley's 2nd birthday party, and I plan on making sure my camera is glued to my hand!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
4 days ago
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