So at the perinatologist appointment on Wednesday, I was very relieved to hear that my cervix had not gotten any shorter, and the level of excess fluid had not gotten any higher. But then she tells me that it seems that I have an irritable uterus.
Um, ok.
She said that the excess fluid is causing it to flair up, causing the more than normal Braxton Hicks I have been having, but not really affecting my cervix. I thought that sounded hilarious, and had to turn to the Googles to figure out exactly what she meant. After reading some things about it, it totally makes sense. Why I can't walk from my classroom to the gym without having contractions, or bend over, why it hurts my "uterus" to sneeze, why I thought I was in full blown labor and made an emergency visit to the OB last week, even why I thought I was experiencing a resurgence of morning sickness. There's also no definitive research as to if it's a causative factor of pre-term labor; some go past their due date and some deliver early. Well ok then, I guess I'll just chalk it up to another weird medical thing I have and move on.
On Thursday I actually felt pretty darn good all day. Granted I didn't get out of my chair much, but just before I left school I was thinking hmm I had a good day (physically) today. On my way out of the building I stopped to talk to another teacher, and while doing that I felt a gush of fluid. Like way more than the incident in September. Enough that I knew my pants were wet. I threw down my stuff and waddled as fast as I could to the bathroom down the hall. What I saw alarmed me, and I called for my preggo friend Chelsea to come see. So glad that I work with some of my closest friends who wouldn't think twice to look at my skivvies when I think something is wrong. That's love right there.
She too thought it was not right, and she and Deanna convinced me to call the doctor. Even though I knew they would think again that I peed myself. The nurse told me to go on in, especially since I have all the extra fluid because it does put me at a bit higher risk of preterm labor.
When I got to L&D the nurse(who didn't impress me much from the get go) quickly determined that once again, it was not amniotic fluid, which I honestly wasn't surprised about. But then she told me that I was dilated to 1 1/2. Say what?? Because 24 hours ago my cervix was completely closed on the sono, and the week before I wasn't dilated either when my OB checked. Between that and the fact that I was having a spell of contractions every 2-3 min, I was taken aback. She said they might do another sono to see what my cervix looked like, then went to call in to my OB to see what he wanted to do.
So needless to say when she came back in about 5 minutes and said ok he says you can go home, I was more than surprised. And for once a bit speechless. Mom was surprised too, and when she questioned the nurse about the contractions and being dilated, the nurse said my OB was less than impressed that I was dilated, due to it being my second pregnancy. When I did voice my concern, Nurse Rude said "well you can stay here as long as you want to, but I'm not checking your cervix again." Thanks for easing my mind so pleasantly.
I guess I'm just at a loss here. None of these things happening sound in the realm of normal, and although I didn't go to med school, I'm not a freaking idiot. Nor do they sound normal to any friends around me, and my mom can't believe they haven't at least put me on bedrest. But what do you do when your doctor is "less than impressed" by any abnormal symptoms you have, regardless of the fact that I'm only following his own directions on when to call your doctor. I feel like I'm being treated like a moron that's just panicking over little things. I'm seriously kicking myself for not going with a midwife, and have thought about contacting the one my friend at work sees, because I really doubt a midwife would blow off my instincts about my own body. I've pretty much decided that I'm not calling another doctor or visiting L&D again until I'm hurting so bad I can't talk or someone has to mop up my amniotic fluid.
Meanwhile, I've got the baby's bag all packed, and I've started my hunt for my hospital pajamas. Which is kinda hard to do when you can only go to a couple of stores before needing a nap. I really should start using the motorized carts. :)
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The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
3 days ago