Sunday, June 23, 2013

Swim lessons 2013

We signed Carter up for swim lessons for the first 2 weeks of summer break.  I have been looking forward to him being able to take lessons from Mrs. Harriet, but she doesn't start lessons until 3 years old. He was very excited for them to start too. Of course, I had high hopes of him taking to the water and ending those 2 weeks being on the track to the next Michael Phelps. But in true Carter fashion, he was a hot mess. The first couple of days were rough when I left him, even though he talked about it non stop. She told me the third day that he was refusing to jump in from the side, and at times also refusing to actually swim. Naturally. 
But, after many pep talks and bribes, he was eventually more cooperative, even "jumping" off the diving board. Which meant the helping teacher dropped him in to Mrs. Harriet. I'll take what I can get!
It was a 9 day class, and the last day was scheduled to be show day, where parents could stay and watch. But last Monday we got rained out, so he actually had his last lesson on Friday, the day after show day.  We were very excited to go see his new talents at show day, and he was excited to show us. My mom even came to watch. 
Umm, this kid.  Ya'll, he's the poster child for ADHD meds.  He also summed up within minutes of the class why Mrs. Harriet has strict rules about parents not watching the class the rest of the lessons. He was turning around telling us random things, dancing around, talking to Mrs. Harriet about random stuff, watching rabbits hop outside the fence, good gravy. She chose him to go first when they had to jump in fully clothed and practice taking off their shoes and swimming with clothes on. So when she started the next round of jumping in with just swimsuits on and told him that since he went first last time, he was going last this time, he turned around and said "Hey GranPam, hear that?? I don't have to jump again!!" Oh geez.
He balked at just about everything they were doing, didn't want to let go of her while in the water, and eventually had a meltdown because he bumped his lip on the edge. But, at the end, he was so proud of himself, and so excited that he had shown us his talents. And even though in comparison to the other kids in his class he didn't seem too successful, at KK's pool yesterday we definitely saw where he had come a long way thanks to Mrs. Harriet! Plus, I found out he was the youngest in the class, so we will go back next summer(and maybe the next!) for some refresher classes!
Ready for his first day

Listening to Mrs. Harriet explain why they were practicing swimming with clothes on...he's the smallest one!

Carter's first!

Taking off his shoes

Trying to get him to back float

Each kid had to demonstrate how they could put their face under and the teachers counted how long they were under. Most kids made it to like 12 or 13, a couple closer to 17, and just before Carter's turn Christiaan leaned over and said "I give him to 5." And he made it to 4...

Trying to entertain sister and keep us both cool

Using a paddle board. He actually did pretty good with that one!

Playing around

Notice anything?? He's totally in his own world.

Doing much better with his back float!

Delaney's curls go berserk when she sweats!

And the big one....jumping off the diving board!

He requires help

And by help, I mean they throw him in. Haha.
Look at this close up of his fingers and face bracing for impact! Hilarious!

Swimming back to the edge

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